Stream of Consciousness: Grey Day

The sky is grey and so is the water. I’m sitting at my desk looking towards the East River and see all sorts of tugs and barges working wondering if that will be me when I get out of school. Music is playing and I think to myself that it is incredibly sad that I will never be able to hear all the great music that this world offers. A nearly infinite playlist never to be heard because I simply do not have the time to find and listen to it all. Even worse there could have been songs that could have tilted the earth today but they were lost years ago if not centuries or millennia ago. Which leads to thoughts of how infinite this tiny planet is.

There are still things being discovered and learned about while others things disappear never to be found again or never having been found to begin with. Here and gone never influenced by humans so why let others waste your time and happiness. Get over yourself and get out there and discover something on your own. Don’t stay in one place, need to get out and see how everyone else does things. Ignorant or not I am sure there are lessons to be learned everywhere from everyone. Never hold anything back and don’t give up but know when to cut your losses and leave with dignity.

The smell of charcoal lighter fluid brings back memories of grilling and summer and friends of old. Relationships are always shifting and changing and there is little to do to control the tides of emotions and humanity. The one thing I want is that one person to be with me as I travel the world. A lover and companion. Best friend and life long partner. If things fade, they fade but most important of all is sharing the experience with someone you cherish. Don’t try to control life don’t let life try to control you just enjoy the ride and keep learning and expanding. Nothing in my way that will stop me. It may slow me but i will emerge victorious. Less than a year left here and only a few months until I can breath properly again.

That dude is running outside my window. It’s time to get off my fatass and get out there and cut this weight. 50 to go until graduation.

2 responses to “Stream of Consciousness: Grey Day

  1. To contemplate the world and the art that has never been is a noble thought. many people who seek that what was lost or never known often come back more like what they are searching for. Life is cold, life is alone. We are blessed by what we have and then when we think all is well, something comes and takes it away. this is how life travels, highs and lows. In this objective observers opinion, the best age is three and a half, when the cricket sitting on a blade of grass is the new friend you made, and every sunny day is a reason to smile. we sink as we grow, we loose touch with this and replace it with worries, and fears. You can’t wait to graduate, when the bills roll in and your stuck with a nagging woman someone will ask you to go on an adventure, and you will probably say no. because, human natue is to fall into a rut and get nice and cozy. Great Blog BTW!

  2. You speak of so many truths here!

    Ive been exploring the world too lately and it has taken me to new discoveries. I find people don’t take time to discover new because they are comfortable with the familiar. But like you said we will never know what the world has to offer unless we quit following the familiar and go with the unfamiliar. I do feel though the road less traveled is often scary, especially when you feel as if you’re alone. However, I’ve come to terms lately- were never alone. There is always someone out there thinking of you, wondering about you, and/or rooting for you. I think we often loose sight of that- I know I do. Just recently, a group of girls I use to call my best friends have been everything but friends. Since I haven’t been seeing them/been hanging out with them, I’ve really been able to reflect on the type of people they are- conniving and bitter. They seek pleasure in others misery. They create drama just for entertainment. And you know what? I’m sick and tired of wasting my time on crappy people. So why do it? That has been my pledge to myself lately, be with the people I want to be with. Talk to the people that make me happy. Because then I know I’m not alone.

    *Know you’re not alone. Know that there is someone out there rooting for you and waiting to be at the dock when you return from a quest. There’s someone always out there Keep it up- & continue to do great things. 🙂

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